Faith Baptist Church (FBC) is a Baptist Church located in the Katahdin region of Maine. It is in the town of Millinocket and many worshipers each week attend church services there. If you are of the Baptist faith, or just want to learn more about the Baptist faith; please drop by and check out a service at this great church.
“At Faith Baptist Church, we believe that we were sinners by nature, but that through faith in Jesus, we have been saved by God’s sovereign grace. Our desire is to live lives that reflect God’s grace and make his grace known to others. We know that we can’t do this on our own. We are dependent on the gift of the Holy Spirit (the third person of the Trinity) and the Word of God, the Bible.
Our primary distinctive is that we are baptist which means that we believe all who come to profess faith in Christ should be baptized by immersion in water as a sign and seal of God’s saving grace in their lives.”
Morning Worship Service: 10:30 am (nursery provided for children up to 5)
Evening Worship Service: 6:00 pm
Sunday School: 9:15 am (children ages 3+ and adults)
Growth Group Bible Studies
Women’s Groups: Mondays at 9:00 am and Thursdays at 9:00 am
Mixed Group: Tuesdays at 7:00 pm
Call or email Pastor Ian Shearer for more information about these or special occasional groups
Physical address: 244 Massachusetts Ave., Millinocket
Mailing address: PO Box 516, Millinocket, ME 04462
Telephone: 207-723-5580
Email: ian@fbcmillinocket.org
Website: Link
“Baptists” are Protestant Christians who comprise a group of denominations and churches that subscribe to a doctrine that baptism should be performed only for professing believers (believer’s baptism, as opposed to infant baptism), and that it must be done by complete immersion (as opposed to affusion or sprinkling). Other tenets of Baptist churches include soul competency (liberty), salvation through faith alone, scripture alone as the rule of faith and practice, and the autonomy of the local congregation. Baptists recognize two ministerial offices, pastors and deacons. Baptist churches are widely considered to be Protestant churches, though some Baptists disavow this identity.